Tuesday, November 19, 2013


In October, my Dad's company had a picnic for the families of it's employees and two of my sisters and myself went with all 10 of our combined kids. 10 kids 8 years old and under. It was crazy. Here are some of my favorite photos of the trip.
My Dad and Elsie
Ian was obsessed with this roller coaster. He rode it over and over.
                                        Aunt Rachel was nice enough to help him out.                                        

My niece Nora in the bouncy house.

Elaina, Lillie and Ryan in the sand pit.

Later, Ian was still on the coaster.

We took a hay ride on a wagon. My sister Bekah showed
off her Glamour Photo pose. Ahh, a blast to the past. I never got
Glamour Shots but was very jealous of those who did.

They had a giant hay bale slide. You rode down on a burlap sack.
Ian was very brave and insisted on doing it by himself.

I, however, was not as brave.

We wandered thru a corn maze for what seemed like a very
long time. I was the caboose and looked out for stragglers

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what a great post! Hated that I had to miss all the fun. You took some great shots too.
