Friday, January 10, 2014

Please Sir! May I 'ave some 'ore?

My Darlin' Man and I joke that our children eat gruel for breakfast and love it. That is not too far from the truth.

Let 's go back a couple of decades. My dear Grandma Green concocted a breakfast for my then little sister Sarah. She called it "Grandma's Oatmeal" when in reality it was gruel. It has floated around the family since then and I first made it for my oldest girl when she was about 2. She LOVED it and has had it for breakfast several times a week since that day. All three of my kids eat it now and can scarf down a bowl in less than 2 minutes. I, personally, can't choke down a bit but that is the marvelous things about children. They will eat anything.

Grandma's Oatmeal
  1. Take your favorite brand of quick oats. I use Quaker. Shake about 1 Cup into a bowl.
  2. Take your preferred type of milk. I use Almond milk since Ian is off raw dairy and I don't want to have to keep track of which bowl has which kind of milk. Splash some milk on the oatmeal. Note: less is more. You don't want it too runny.
  3. Glop on a reasonable pile of applesauce. I use the unsweetened store brand. If you make homemade applesauce, that would work just as well.
  4. Sprinkle on some cinnamon.
  5. Mix and serve.
  6. If wanted, add raisins, nuts, brown sugar, ect.
I have timed myself and I can mix 3 bowls of this in 1 minute flat. Talk about fast food! It is also surprisingly filling. 1 Cup of Quaker oats provides 10g of protein so it stays with the kids till lunch. The only sugar is what naturally occurs in the applesauce and oatmeal so no extra sweetness. All in all, a really great, quick breakfast for those mornings when you oversleep.

1 comment:

  1. I never could understand how Sarah could eat this, but she loved it. She would eat it plain most of the time.
