Friday, June 6, 2014

1st Grade

I can't believe that this school year is over. We have had so many changes, ups and downs, good days and bad days. She has changed from a little girl into a Big Kid. I didn't know if I was ready for that but now that she has matured so much, I realize how fun it is to have someone with whom you can have real conversations about important topics. 

She is my little mother, my help when i clean, the one child who can actually follow through on a task that takes more than 2 seconds. She is kind, loving, sweet, tender-hearted, I don't want to brag about my children but I do want to take a moment to give an example of her God-given love of others. 

There was a little boy in her class who came from a troubled background. She had commented to me before about how she felt sorry for, let's call him Bob, because he always got in trouble every day. I met this young man during some class events and he was definitely a hand full. 

One day well into the school year, we were discussing how lunchtime at school was going and I asked who she was sitting by in the cafeteria, trying to assess who were still friends and so forth. She replied that she had been sitting with "Bob" because no one wanted to sit next to him and she didn't want him to be sad. This was not the only time she choose to play or sit with him over her best friends in the class. At the Valentine's Day party, "Bob" drew Lillie a special Valentine of him and her with the caption Best Friends. I am so, so grateful to see her put the happiness and comfort of others before herself. I pray she can keep putting that trait into action and keep a servant's heart.