Thursday, June 4, 2015

Master Of A Thousand Faces

I have been trying to vary the style and type of photos I place on my blog. And a fellow blogger I follow, The Rosy Life, often posts about photography and more specifically, photographing children; those little whirling dervishes that can't sit still.  Her recent post about her young daughter was spot on. 

"By putting the power of play and fun in her own hands I was able to click away."
- Sara

I decided to mimic her photo shoot since after all, imitation is the highest form of flattery. I sat the kids down against our bedroom door for a neutral backdrop, kept the lights off and let the natural light from the windows flow. I had to prompt them at first. 

"Make a silly face."
"What would a scared face look like?"
"Can you do an angry face?"

What resulted was a perfect capture of each child's facial expressions and personality. I will definitely be framing these collages and treasuring them for years to come. 

And then of course, I had to pester Uncle David and Aunt Katie, who were visiting, to join in the fun. It is wonderful to have company, but even better to have company who are good sports. 

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