Wednesday, April 6, 2016


We are heading down the stretch to finish school. CC finishes on Tuesday and then, once we have the end of year program, we will just have our work here at home. I have had a wonderful year tutoring my class. They are such sweet kids and so eager to learn that it rekindled an urge to learn in myself. I hope they all can hold on to that love for education and not become jaded as they get older.

The weather is finally Spring in true form. The grass is green, the weeds are shooting upwards and I think I will have to mow the backyard next week. David has kept the front yard weed free but the backyard is a free-for-all. Lots of dandelions and onion grass. But I love the smell of onion grass after it is cut so I don't mind too much. I have plans to build and plant a flower box around our mailbox and to plant flowers in the raised vegetable beds in the back. I kill vegetables so I have given up on the garden. But my sister Rachel seems to have such a green thumb and is nice enough to share when she has extra produce.

Our church is having its annual meeting this weekend. We live too far away to drive to and from home so we have to go stay with family. I love the chance to visit but it does make me feel like a visitor at my own meeting. One day we will live closer to our home church but until then, I am grateful for the hospitality of our family and friends. I checked the weather forecast and it looks like it will be beautiful and sunny. I pray we have a blessed meeting with wonderful fellowship.

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