Thursday, February 27, 2014

Chicken Soup With Rice

When most people hear the name Maurice Sendak, they immediately think of the classic Where The Wild Things Are or Little Bear, on which he was illustrator. He is a prominent author and illustrator who has received world wide acclaim for his work, but my favorite of his writings is Chicken Soup With Rice. It is a short poem about eating chicken soup in every month of the year. In my opinion, a truly great book. But don't take my word for it! My own children love this book. I read it to Lillie every night for almost two years. Ian has now taken it to heart and it is the first book he pulls off the shelf at bedtime. What it is about this book, I don't really know. Maybe it is the charming illustrations. Maybe it is the soothing rhyme pattern, almost like a Sherman brothers song. Maybe it is the silly concept of the storyline. Whatever it is, preschool kids will sit and listen to this book over and over and over again. After all, that really is the highest accolade you can give a children's book.