Thursday, June 12, 2014

DIY Pottery Barn 4th of July Banner


Since the 4th will be upon us before we know it, here is some inspiration for a patriotic banner for your back porch, dining room or outside BBQ cookout. 

I saw this cloth banner (below) on Potter Barn and thought
       "I could make that easy-peasy."

And it was. 



DIY Pottery Barn 4th of July Banner


* Red, white and blue construction paper
* Scissors
* Glue stick
* Cording 
* Stapler

1. Free hand or trace an isosceles triangle on to 6 red and 6 blue pieces of construction paper. Cut out. 

2. Free hand or using a stencil (I used a fridge magnet), trace and cut out 6 stars from white construction paper. Also cut 1 inch wide strips from 3 pieces of white construction paper. 

3. Glue the stars to the middle/top of the blue pennants. Glue 2 strips across each red pennant ,trimming when dry. 

4. Lay the pennants on the floor in an alternating pattern. Cut a piece of the cording to your desired length. Lay just above the pennants on the floor, centering the cord middle to the middle two pennants. 

5. Starting with the middle pennants, staple the flags to the cord. Work your way out to the sides alternatively. This way you won't end up with uneven spacing between pennants. 

6. Hang and feel patriotism swell within your bosom.