Wednesday, June 11, 2014

When Daddy is in charge...

This evening, I ran out to pick up some ice cream and a movie for a date night. I left David and the two smallest kids in the backyard playing. It was so nice to be out by myself for a minute. I sang along to the radio on my way back from the store. I walked in the house and heard the bathwater running. "How wonderful!" I thought. "That sweet husband of mine has already bathed the babies so we can start our movie on time. Isn't he the best?"

I walked to the bathroom door, anticipating a warm and fuzzy scene of two squeaky clean babies splashing in the tub while Daddy watched. Instead, Daddy met me at the bathroom door, stopped me and said
                                                 "I hope you have a strong stomach."

Never, ever do you want to hear those words upon entering the house after being gone.




I found the bathroom covered in brown. Brown on the sink counter. Brown hand prints on the toilet. My white bathmat was brown. The two babies were sitting in 12 inches of water so dark you couldn't see through it. Grinning ear to ear with brown all over their faces. 

My first thought was Poop. 

Wouldn't yours have been too?

THANKFULLY, it was just mud. It reminded me of that scene from Men in Tights. 

The Sheriff of Nottingham is telling the Prince John that Robin Hood is causing trouble. John doesn't want to hear the bad news so he suggests
           "Why don't you tell me the bad news in a good way? That way it won't seem so bad."

I have never been thankful for mud before. But when you are primed for poop, mud doesn't seem so bad. 

Here is what happened while I was gone. 


  1. Oh how mud makes a child happy. Two brownie points for David. (I don't know if he gets to keep them cause of what your bathroom looked like. jk)
