Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Flood Plain

I have been getting rather frustrated lately with Lillie. She keeps putting capri pants on when she gets dressed in the morning, and I tell her they are not appropriate for winter and will she please go put on long pants?

I finally realized she IS putting on her long pants.

We are officially in high water country.

It made me think of this classic. I know it is the exact opposite of Lillie but still funny.

We are ready for the holidays around here. I am asked hourly if we can just go ahead and open the presents. I took the kids to Dollar General yesterday to their annual shopping trip for Daddy. They each had $3 to spend on something they thought Daddy would like and they did great! I was very proud of the thoughtfulness displayed. He almost received a pair of camo underwear from Elsie.

Daddy will have an interesting Christmas. 


  1. Hahaha! She is a long tall drink of water!

  2. Ohhhh, I want to take her shopping. I remember those days, girl pants only came in one length....short.
